
Where you see 0x those you can use IDA or ollydbg to jump, values without 0x just open any hex editor (example: 010 editor and ctrl + g (jump to address))

Blended Rune:

Client side (cabalmain.exe):
0x00632B3E Blended Registration
0x00638A75 Blended String
0x00700338 Blended Slot
0x006370AB Blended Count

Server side (WorldSvr.bin):
3396BE 02 -> 09 (learning error)
26AB14 03 -> 0A (userdataunpack2 error)


Essence Rune:

Client side (cabalmain.exe)
239e60 0E - 1A Essence Rune Registration

Server side (WorldSvr.bin):
3393BB 0E -> 1A (learning error)
26a4a0 0F -> 1A (userdataunpack2 error)

Credits not goes to me, but that guy who shared with me wanted to get it shared.

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